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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool wget. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


GNU Wget is a command-line utility for downloading files from the web. With Wget, you can download files using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols. Wget provides a number of options allowing you to download multiple files, resume downloads, limit the bandwidth, recursive downloads, download in the background, mirror a website, and much more.

List of commands for wget:

  • wget:tldr:09b2a wget: Download all listed files within a directory and its sub-directories (does not download embedded page elements).
    $ wget --mirror --no-parent ${https:--example-com-somepath-}
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  • wget:tldr:0a635 wget: Download a single web page and all its resources with 3-second intervals between requests (scripts, stylesheets, images, etc.).
    $ wget --page-requisites --convert-links --wait=3 ${https:--example-com-somepage-html}
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  • wget:tldr:3ee3b wget: Download the contents of a URL to a file (named "foo" in this case).
    $ wget ${https:--example-com-foo}
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  • wget:tldr:67f18 wget: Limit the download speed and the number of connection retries.
    $ wget --limit-rate=${300k} --tries=${100} ${https:--example-com-somepath-}
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  • wget:tldr:71862 wget: Download the contents of a URL to a file (named "bar" in this case).
    $ wget --output-document ${bar} ${https:--example-com-foo}
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  • wget:tldr:b2ec3 wget: Download all URLs stored in a text file to a specific directory.
    $ wget --directory-prefix ${path-to-directory} --input-file ${URLs-txt}
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  • wget:tldr:b5cdf wget: Continue an incomplete download.
    $ wget --continue ${https:--example-com}
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  • wget:tldr:d13b9 wget: Download a file from an HTTP server using Basic Auth (also works for FTP).
    $ wget --user=${username} --password=${password} ${https:--example-com}
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  • wordpress:download:latest Download the latest version of WordPress
    $ wget
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