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List of commands for wrk:

  • wrk:tldr:318c1 wrk: Run a benchmark with a request timeout of `2` seconds.
    $ wrk -t${2} -c${5} -d${5s} --timeout ${2s} "${http:--example-com-index-html}"
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  • wrk:tldr:77796 wrk: Run a benchmark for `30` seconds, using `12` threads, and keeping `400` HTTP connections open.
    $ wrk -t${12} -c${400} -d${30s} "${http:--127-0-0-1:8080-index-html}"
    try on your machine
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  • wrk:tldr:aca9c wrk: Run a benchmark with a custom header.
    $ wrk -t${2} -c${5} -d${5s} -H "${Host: example-com}" "${http:--example-com-index-html}"
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