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x11docker: Display help.
$ x11docker --help
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The command "x11docker --help" is used to display the help menu for the x11docker tool.

x11docker is a command-line utility used to run desktop applications inside Docker containers while connecting them to the X Window System on the host machine. It allows running graphical applications, such as GUI-based applications or games, in isolated Docker containers without requiring the applications to be installed or configured directly on the host machine.

When the "--help" argument is added to the command, x11docker will display information about the available command-line options, arguments, and usage examples. This helps users understand how to use the x11docker tool effectively and provides a quick reference for all the available functionalities it provides.

By running "x11docker --help," users will be able to see a detailed explanation of different options that can be used with x11docker, which can include options related to container management, network configuration, security, resource allocation, X11 display customization, and other settings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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