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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool x11docker. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


x11docker is a command line tool that allows running GUI applications in isolated X11 sessions. It works by creating secure X11 forwarding using SSH tunnels and Docker containers. The tool is designed for Linux systems and requires Docker and X11 to be installed.

With x11docker, GUI applications can be run from within a Docker container, while seamlessly integrating with the host system's desktop environment. This ensures that the containerized application appears as a native application in the host system. It also provides isolation and security benefits, as the application runs in its own containerized environment, separate from the host system.

The tool supports a wide range of X11 environments, including X.Org, Xephyr, and Xvfb. It also supports different window managers and desktop environments, such as GNOME, KDE, LXDE, and XFCE, allowing users to choose their preferred graphical environment.

x11docker enables easy customization of container parameters, such as the container image, resource limits, network connectivity, device access, and volume mounts. It can also automatically mount directories from the host system into the container, allowing seamless file access between the two environments.

The tool has several options for managing multiple running containers, such as attaching and detaching from containers, starting new containers, and listing running containers. It also supports container sharing, enabling multiple users to access the same container simultaneously.

x11docker integrates well with other Docker tools and workflows. It can be used in combination with Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, and Dockerfiles to simplify the development and deployment of GUI applications.

The x11docker command line interface is user-friendly, with intuitive options and helpful error messages. It also provides extensive documentation and examples to guide users in setting up and using the tool effectively.

Overall, x11docker is a powerful and versatile command line tool that enables running GUI applications within isolated X11 sessions. It simplifies the process of containerizing graphical applications while ensuring a seamless integration with the host system's desktop environment.

List of commands for x11docker:

tool overview