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x11docker: Launch Xfce in a window.
$ x11docker --desktop ${x11docker-xfce}
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The command "x11docker --desktop ${x11docker-xfce}" is used to run a Docker container with a graphical desktop environment based on XFCE.

Let's break down the command:

  • "x11docker" is the command-line tool used to run Docker containers with X11 support (displaying graphical applications).
  • "--desktop" is an option or flag used with x11docker to specify that a graphical desktop environment is desired.
  • "${x11docker-xfce}" is a variable in this command. The use of curly brackets and the dollar sign indicates that this is a variable placeholder, and its value will be substituted when the command is executed.
    • The variable name "x11docker-xfce" suggests that it might hold the name or ID of a Docker image/container with an installed XFCE desktop environment.
    • The "${x11docker-xfce}" variable is being used to specify which Docker image/container to use for the XFCE desktop environment.

So, this command is asking x11docker to start a Docker container with a graphical desktop based on XFCE. The specific XFCE image or container to use is determined by the value in the variable "${x11docker-xfce}".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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