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x11docker: Launch VLC in a container.
$ x11docker --pulseaudio --share=${$HOME-Videos} ${jess-vlc}
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The command x11docker --pulseaudio --share=${$HOME-Videos} ${jess-vlc} is used to run the VLC media player application using the x11docker tool.

Here's a breakdown of the options and arguments used in the command:

  • x11docker: This is the main command used to run GUI applications in a containerized X11 environment.

  • --pulseaudio: This option enables the sharing of the PulseAudio sound server with the container, allowing the audio to be played within the VLC player.

  • --share=${$HOME-Videos}: This option specifies that the Videos directory inside the user's home directory should be shared with the container. The ${$HOME-Videos} syntax is used to indicate the home directory, typically represented by the HOME environment variable. The Videos directory will be accessible within the container.

  • ${jess-vlc}: This refers to the image or container name (jess-vlc) that should be launched using x11docker. This image likely contains the VLC media player application and any dependencies required to run it.

Overall, the command runs the VLC media player in a containerized environment with X11 support, enabling audio playback through PulseAudio and sharing the Videos directory with the container.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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