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xe: Execute a shellscript, joining every `N` lines into a single call.
$ echo -e 'a\nb' | xe -N${2} -s 'echo $2 $1'
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The given command is a combination of two separate commands connected by a pipe(|):

  1. echo -e 'a\nb': This command uses the echo command with the -e option to interpret escape sequences. It prints two lines, "a" and "b", each on a separate line.

  2. xe -N${2} -s 'echo $2 $1': This command uses a custom command or script called xe. The -N${2} argument means that it takes an additional argument (let's assume it's the number 2) and assigns it to the variable N within the script. The -s option specifies that the following string should be executed as a script.

The script passed to xe as an argument is 'echo $2 $1'. It uses shell variables $1 and $2, where $1 refers to the first argument (a) and $2 refers to the second argument (b). Therefore, when the script is executed, it will output b a since it echoes the second variable followed by the first variable.

In summary, this command prints "a" and "b" using echo, and then xe takes the second argument and executes a script that echoes the second argument followed by the first argument.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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