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xml-canonic: Make an XML document canonical, removing comments.
$ xml canonic --without-comments ${select} > ${path-to-output-xml}
try on your machine

The given command is related to XML canonicalization, which aims to transform an XML document into a standardized and canonical form. Let's break down this command:

  • xml canonic: This is the command that tells the system to execute the "xml" tool with the "canonic" subcommand. It indicates that we want to perform XML canonicalization.

  • --without-comments: This option instructs the XML canonicalization process to exclude XML comments from the output. Comments are pieces of text within XML files that serve as documentation or notes, but are not considered as part of the data.

  • ${select}: This is a placeholder variable that likely represents the input XML file or a specific XML element/node that should undergo canonicalization. It should be replaced with the actual path or selector.

  • > ${path-to-output-xml}: This is a redirection operator in a Unix-like environment that takes the output generated by the previous command and saves it to the specified file path indicated by ${path-to-output-xml}. Again, ${path-to-output-xml} should be replaced with the desired path of the resulting canonicalized XML file.

To summarize, the given command executes the XML canonicalization process on the XML document specified by ${select}, excluding any comments, and saves the resulting canonicalized XML to the file at ${path-to-output-xml}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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