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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool xml. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The XML command line tool is a versatile utility for working with XML documents in a command line environment. It allows you to perform various XML-related tasks such as parsing, validating, transforming, querying, and manipulating XML files. With this tool, you can parse an XML document and retrieve specific elements or attributes using XPath or XQuery expressions. You can also validate an XML file against a specified XML Schema Definition (XSD) to ensure it conforms to the expected structure and data constraints. In addition, this command line tool supports the transformation of XML documents using XSLT stylesheets, allowing you to convert XML files into different formats or modify their contents. It also provides functionality for merging multiple XML files into a single document, splitting a large XML file into smaller chunks, and comparing XML files for differences. The tool supports various output formats including plain text, HTML, PDF, and even JSON for easy integration with other tools or systems. It offers extensive customization options through command line parameters, allowing you to control various aspects of the XML processing such as specifying input/output files, selecting specific elements, enabling verbose output, and more. The XML command line tool is available for multiple operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Overall, this tool is a powerful companion for working with XML files in a command line environment, providing a comprehensive set of features to handle various XML-related tasks efficiently.

List of commands for xml:

  • xml-canonic:tldr:5e75c xml-canonic: Make an XML document canonical, removing comments.
    $ xml canonic --without-comments ${select} > ${path-to-output-xml}
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  • xml-canonic:tldr:6cd1c xml-canonic: Make an XML document canonical, preserving comments.
    $ xml canonic ${select} > ${path-to-output-xml}
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  • xml-canonic:tldr:aa874 xml-canonic: Display help for the `canonic` subcommand.
    $ xml canonic --help
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  • xml-canonic:tldr:fb084 xml-canonic: Make XML exclusively canonical, using an XPATH from a file, preserving comments.
    $ xml canonic --exc-with-comments ${select} ${path-to-c14n-xpath}
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  • xml-depyx:tldr:61bec xml-depyx: ISO 8879) document to XML format.
    $ xml depyx ${select} > ${path-to-output-xml}
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  • xml-depyx:tldr:ed0d3 xml-depyx: Display help for the `depyx` subcommand.
    $ xml depyx --help
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  • xml-edit:tldr:1c281 xml-edit: Delete elements matching an XPATH from an XML document.
    $ xml edit --delete "${XPATH1}" ${select}
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  • xml-edit:tldr:537ae xml-edit: Rename all attributes named "id" to "ID".
    $ xml edit --rename "${--*-@id}" -v "${ID}" ${select}
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  • xml-edit:tldr:6ce77 xml-edit: Update the XML table record with "id=3" to the value "id=5".
    $ xml edit --update "${xml-table-rec[@id=3]-@id}" -v ${5} ${select}
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  • xml-edit:tldr:ce9c7 xml-edit: Move an element node of an XML document from XPATH1 to XPATH2.
    $ xml edit --move "${XPATH1}" "${XPATH2}" ${select}
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  • xml-edit:tldr:efbb6 xml-edit: Display help for the `edit` subcommand.
    $ xml edit --help
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  • xml-elements:tldr:48d1e xml-elements: Print sorted unique elements from an XML document up to a depth of 3.
    $ xml elements -d${3} ${select}
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  • xml-elements:tldr:49b86 xml-elements: Extract elements from an XML document (producing XPATH expressions).
    $ xml elements ${select} > ${path-to-elements-xpath}
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  • xml-elements:tldr:82092 xml-elements: Print sorted unique elements from an XML document to see its structure.
    $ xml elements -u ${select}
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  • xml-elements:tldr:9c395 xml-elements: Extract elements and their attributes from an XML document.
    $ xml elements -a ${select} > ${path-to-elements-xpath}
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  • xml-elements:tldr:cf666 xml-elements: Display help for the `elements` subcommand.
    $ xml elements --help
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  • xml-elements:tldr:d785b xml-elements: Extract elements and their attributes and values from an XML document.
    $ xml elements -v ${select} > ${path-to-elements-xpath}
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  • xml-escape:tldr:2d94b xml-escape: Escape special XML characters in a string.
    $ xml escape "${}"
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  • xml-escape:tldr:52705 xml-escape: Display help for the `escape` subcommand.
    $ xml escape --help
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  • xml-format:tldr:0eb28 xml-format: Format an XML document, indenting with tabs.
    $ xml format --indent-tab ${select} > ${path-to-output-xml}
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  • xml-format:tldr:45ef2 xml-format: Recover parsable parts of a malformed XML document, without indenting.
    $ xml format --recover --noindent ${select} > ${path-to-recovered-xml}
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  • xml-format:tldr:7faa8 xml-format: Display help for the `format` subcommand.
    $ xml format --help
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  • xml-format:tldr:a6807 xml-format: Format an HTML document, indenting with 4 spaces.
    $ xml format --html --indent-spaces ${4} ${select} > ${path-to-output-html}
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  • xml-format:tldr:fd10e xml-format: Format an XML document, omitting the XML declaration.
    $ xml format --omit-decl ${select} > ${path-to-output-xml}
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  • xml-list:tldr:08518 xml-list: Write the specified directory's listing to an XML document.
    $ xml list ${path-to-directory} > ${path-to-dir_list-xml}
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  • xml-list:tldr:502c0 xml-list: Write the current directory's listing to an XML document.
    $ xml list > ${path-to-dir_list-xml}
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  • xml-list:tldr:63291 xml-list: Display help for the `list` subcommand.
    $ xml list --help
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  • xml-pyx:tldr:d1a9a xml-pyx: Convert an XML document to PYX format.
    $ xml pyx ${select} > ${path-to-output-pyx}
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  • xml-pyx:tldr:da294 xml-pyx: Display help for the `pyx` subcommand.
    $ xml pyx --help
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  • xml-select:tldr:39b37 xml-select: Count all nodes in one or more XML documents.
    $ xml select --text --template --inp-name --output " " --value-of "count(node())" --nl ${select} ${select1}
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  • xml-select:tldr:746fd xml-select: Match "XPATH1" and print the value of "XPATH2" as text with new-lines.
    $ xml select --text --template --match "${XPATH1}" --value-of "${XPATH2}" --nl ${select}
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  • xml-select:tldr:a8d0c xml-select: Display help for the `select` subcommand.
    $ xml select --help
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  • xml-select:tldr:c8ca0 xml-select: Select all elements matching "XPATH1" and print the value of their sub-element "XPATH2".
    $ xml select --template --match "${XPATH1}" --value-of "${XPATH2}" ${select}
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  • xml-select:tldr:cb297 xml-select: Count the elements of "XPATH1".
    $ xml select --template --value-of "count(${XPATH1})" ${select}
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  • xml-transform:tldr:67b80 xml-transform: Display help for the `transform` subcommand.
    $ xml transform --help
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  • xml-transform:tldr:ada1c xml-transform: Transform an XML document using an XSL stylesheet, passing one XPATH parameter and one literal string parameter.
    $ xml transform ${path-to-stylesheet-xsl} -p "${Count='count(-xml-table-rec)'}" -s ${Text="Count="} ${select}
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  • xml-unescape:tldr:58897 xml-unescape: Unescape special XML characters from a string.
    $ xml unescape "${<a1>}"
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  • xml-validate:tldr:10933 xml-validate: Display help for the `validate` subcommand.
    $ xml validate --help
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  • xml-validate:tldr:4e4b3 xml-validate: Validate one or more XML documents against a Document Type Definition (DTD).
    $ xml validate --dtd ${path-to-schema-dtd} ${select} ${input2-xml ---}
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  • xml-validate:tldr:906be xml-validate: Validate one or more XML documents against an XML Schema Definition (XSD).
    $ xml validate --xsd ${path-to-schema-xsd} ${select} ${input2-xml ---}
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  • xml-validate:tldr:a7626 xml-validate: Validate one or more XML documents for well-formedness only.
    $ xml validate ${select} ${input2-xml ---}
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  • xml-validate:tldr:e4cf7 xml-validate: Validate one or more XML documents against a Relax NG schema (RNG).
    $ xml validate --relaxng ${path-to-schema-rng} ${select} ${input2-xml ---}
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  • xml:tldr:34401 xml: Display general help, including the list of subcommands.
    $ xml --help
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  • xml:tldr:56791 xml: Execute a subcommand using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ xml ${subcommand} ${options}
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  • xml:tldr:5f5e3 xml: Execute a subcommand with input from a file or URI, printing to `stdout`.
    $ xml ${subcommand} ${options} ${select}
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  • xml:tldr:b45f4 xml: Execute a subcommand with input from a file or URI and output to a file.
    $ xml ${subcommand} ${options} ${select} > ${path-to-output}
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  • xml:tldr:dc945 xml: Display the version of the XMLStarlet Toolkit.
    $ xml --version
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  • xml:tldr:dd6bf xml: Display help for a subcommand.
    $ xml ${subcommand} --help
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