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xml-canonic: Display help for the `canonic` subcommand.
$ xml canonic --help
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The command "xml canonic --help" is used to display the help documentation for the "xml canonic" tool.

The tool "xml canonic" is typically used in XML processing to perform canonicalization. Canonicalization is a process of converting an XML document into a canonical form, which is a standardized representation that eliminates irrelevant differences in the XML content. It helps ensure consistency and comparability between different XML documents.

By running the "xml canonic --help" command, you will receive information about the available options, usage examples, and explanations of each option. This help documentation can assist you in understanding how to use the "xml canonic" tool effectively and make the most of its features.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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