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xml-edit: Delete elements matching an XPATH from an XML document.
$ xml edit --delete "${XPATH1}" ${select}
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This command is used to edit an XML file by deleting a specific element or attribute specified by the given XPath. Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • xml: It is the name of the program or tool being executed. It suggests that this command relates to XML manipulation.

  • edit: It is a sub-command or operation performed by the xml tool. It indicates that the command is used for editing an XML file.

  • --delete: It is an option flag that specifies the type of edit operation to be performed, which is deletion in this case. It is followed by the XPath expression that defines the element or attribute to be deleted.

  • "${XPATH1}": It is a placeholder for the actual XPath expression that specifies the element or attribute to be deleted. The value is usually provided as a variable substitution, and the actual XPath should be placed within these double quotes.

  • ${select}: It is another placeholder for a variable that represents the XML file or the path to the XML file that needs to be edited. The command requires specifying the path to the XML file, allowing the tool to locate and modify the XML content effectively.

Overall, this command executes the XML editing tool, specifying the deletion operation and supplying the XPath to pinpoint the specific XML element or attribute to be removed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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