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xml-edit: Rename all attributes named "id" to "ID".
$ xml edit --rename "${--*-@id}" -v "${ID}" ${select}
try on your machine

This command is an instruction to edit an XML file.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • xml edit: This is the main command to edit an XML file.
  • --rename: This flag specifies that the following argument will be the element to rename in the XML.
  • "${--*-@id}": This is a placeholder that will be replaced with the value of the element's attribute called "id". The --*- part is a pattern that matches any element containing an attribute named "id". The @ symbol denotes that we want to select the value of the attribute.
  • -v "${ID}": This flag specifies that the following argument will be the new value for the element's attribute called "id". The value of the "${ID}" placeholder will be used for this.
  • ${select}: This is another placeholder that will be replaced with the path or XPath expression to select the exact element in the XML file that needs to be edited.

In summary, this command is used to rename an element in an XML file by changing its "id" attribute value to the value stored in the "${ID}" variable. The specific element to rename is determined by the value of the "${select}" variable, which represents the XPath expression or path to select the element.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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