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xml-edit: Update the XML table record with "id=3" to the value "id=5".
$ xml edit --update "${xml-table-rec[@id=3]-@id}" -v ${5} ${select}
try on your machine

This command appears to be using an XML editor tool to modify an XML file.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • xml edit: This is the name or alias of the XML editing tool being used.
  • --update: This is a flag or option that specifies that an update operation should be performed on the XML file.
  • ${xml-table-rec[@id=3]-@id}: This is an expression or XPath that selects a specific XML element. In this case, it finds an element with an attribute id equal to 3 and selects its id attribute.
  • -v ${5}: This specifies a value to be assigned to the selected XML element or attribute. In this case, the value ${5} is used.
  • ${select}: It is unclear what this variable represents without more context. It could potentially be another value to be assigned to the selected XML element or attribute.

Overall, this command is performing an update operation on an XML file using an XML editing tool. It selects a specific element with an attribute value of 3, and updates its id attribute using the values provided by the ${5} and ${select} variables.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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