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xml-edit: Move an element node of an XML document from XPATH1 to XPATH2.
$ xml edit --move "${XPATH1}" "${XPATH2}" ${select}
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This command is using an XML editing tool to move a specific element or attribute within an XML document.

  • "xml edit" is the command to initiate the XML editing functionality.
  • "--move" is the option used to specify that the element or attribute needs to be moved.
  • "${XPATH1}" is the source XPath expression specifying the location of the element or attribute that needs to be moved.
  • "${XPATH2}" is the destination XPath expression indicating where the source element or attribute should be moved to.
  • "${select}" represents any additional options or parameters that may be required for the move operation.

In summary, this command moves an XML element or attribute from one location to another specified location within an XML document. The exact details of the XPaths and any other options may vary depending on the specific XML editing tool being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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