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xml-escape: Escape special XML characters in a string.
$ xml escape "${}"
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The command you provided is an XML escape command for the text "${}". XML escape is a process of converting special characters or reserved characters in XML into their corresponding entity format so that they can be safely inserted into an XML document.

In this specific command, the text "${}" is being XML escaped. The "${}" text will contain special characters or reserved characters, such as "<" and ">".

By applying the XML escape command, these special characters will be replaced with their respective entity format, which is typically done by adding a special character reference. For example, the "<" character will be replaced with "<", and the ">" character will be replaced with ">".

So, after escaping, the resulting text will be something like "${<a1>}", where "$" represents the special character "$", "{" represents "{", "}" represents "}", "<" represents "<", and ">" represents ">".

The purpose of XML escaping is to ensure that the XML document remains valid and properly interprets the special characters within the text without confusing them with the XML syntax.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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