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xml-select: Count all nodes in one or more XML documents.
$ xml select --text --template --inp-name --output " " --value-of "count(node())" --nl ${select} ${select1}
try on your machine

This command is likely used in a command-line tool for working with XML files. Let's break down the different parameters:

  • xml is the command itself or the name of the tool being run.
  • select and select1 are placeholders for the input filenames or paths of the XML files you want to work with.
  • --text specifies that you want to select text nodes in the XML file.
  • --template indicates that you want to use a template for the selection. The template could be specified separately.
  • --inp-name might be an option to provide a specific name or identifier for the input.
  • --output " " is likely used to specify the output format. In this case, it is set to an empty string.
  • --value-of "count(node())" is used to calculate the number of nodes in the XML file. The result will be the count of all nodes, including elements, attributes, and text nodes.
  • --nl suggests that a newline should be added after the output.

The specific purpose and behavior of this command may vary depending on the XML processing tool being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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