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xml-select: Match "XPATH1" and print the value of "XPATH2" as text with new-lines.
$ xml select --text --template --match "${XPATH1}" --value-of "${XPATH2}" --nl ${select}
try on your machine

The given command is potentially an instruction for using a command-line tool or script that performs XML manipulation or processing. However, without more context or knowledge about the specific tool or script, it is difficult to provide an exact explanation. Nevertheless, here is a general breakdown of the command based on common XML processing concepts:

  • xml: This could be the name or alias of the XML processing tool or script being used. It indicates that the subsequent portion of the command relates to XML processing.

  • select: It could be an argument or option provided to the XML tool or script, specifying that it should perform a selection or extraction operation on XML data.

  • --text: This flag or option indicates that the output should include the text content of XML elements, rather than just element tags or attributes.

  • --template: This flag or option suggests that a custom template or format should be applied to the selected XML elements during output generation.

  • --match "${XPATH1}": This flag or option implies the tool/script should find XML elements that match the provided XPATH1 expression. XPATH is a query language used to navigate and select XML nodes.

  • --value-of "${XPATH2}": This flag or option probably instructs the tool/script to extract the value of the XML attribute or element matching the XPATH2 expression.

  • --nl: This flag or option could indicate that the output should include new lines or line breaks for readability.

  • ${select}: This is likely a placeholder indicating a variable or parameter that should be substituted with a specific value when executing the command.

Overall, this command seems to be instructing an XML processing tool or script to select XML elements based on XPath expressions, apply a template, extract the value of certain elements or attributes, and format the output with line breaks. The exact behavior and functionality would depend on the XML processing tool or script being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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