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xml-select: Select all elements matching "XPATH1" and print the value of their sub-element "XPATH2".
$ xml select --template --match "${XPATH1}" --value-of "${XPATH2}" ${select}
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This command is using the "xml" utility to select specific elements from an XML document based on provided XPaths and output their values.

Here's a breakdown of each part:

  • xml: The utility or command being used. It is commonly used to manipulate XML files.
  • select: This is a command or option used by the "xml" utility to perform a selection on the XML document.
  • --template: This option specifies that a template will be used to process the selected elements.
  • --match "${XPATH1}": This option specifies an XPath expression (${XPATH1}) to match elements in the XML document. Elements matching this XPath will be processed.
  • --value-of "${XPATH2}": This option specifies a second XPath expression (${XPATH2}) to extract the value of the selected elements. The value will be outputted.
  • ${select}: This is a placeholder that represents the XML file or document to be processed. The actual file or document should be provided in place of "${select}".

Overall, the command will use XPaths to select specific elements from the specified XML document (${select}) which match the first XPath (${XPATH1}). Then the value of these selected elements will be outputted based on the second XPath (${XPATH2}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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