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xml-select: Count the elements of "XPATH1".
$ xml select --template --value-of "count(${XPATH1})" ${select}
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The given command is used to perform an operation called "xml select" with various parameters. Let's break down the command:

  • "xml select": This is the main command being executed.
  • "--template": This parameter is used to specify that a template will be applied to the selected XML data.
  • "--value-of": This parameter is used to retrieve the value of a specified XPATH expression from the XML data.
  • "count(${XPATH1})": This XPATH expression is enclosed within the count() function and represents a query to be executed on the XML data.
  • ${select}: This variable represents the XML data that will be used for the operation. It could be either a file or a URL.

In summary, the command is instructing the system to apply a template and then retrieve the count of specific XML elements or nodes (as determined by the XPATH expression) from the provided XML data. The result will be displayed as output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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