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xml-transform: Transform an XML document using an XSL stylesheet, passing one XPATH parameter and one literal string parameter.
$ xml transform ${path-to-stylesheet-xsl} -p "${Count='count(-xml-table-rec)'}" -s ${Text="Count="} ${select}
try on your machine

This command is using an XML transformation tool to apply a stylesheet (XSL) on an XML input. Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  1. xml transform: This is the command or tool being used to perform the XML transformation.

  2. ${path-to-stylesheet-xsl}: This is a placeholder representing the path to the XSL stylesheet file that will be applied to the XML input. You need to replace ${path-to-stylesheet-xsl} with the actual path to the XSL file.

  3. -p "${Count='count(-xml-table-rec)'}": This option is used to define a parameter for the XSL stylesheet. In this case, the parameter is named "Count" and its value is set to the result of the XPath expression "count(-xml-table-rec)". The ${Count='count(-xml-table-rec)'} syntax is using variable substitution where the actual value will be replaced by the command/tool executing this command.

  4. -s ${Text="Count="}: This option is used to define another parameter for the XSL stylesheet. The parameter is named "Text" and its value is set to "Count=". Similarly, the ${Text="Count="} syntax is using variable substitution.

  5. ${select}: This is also placeholder syntax to represent the XML input that will be transformed. You need to replace ${select} with the actual XML input.

In summary, this command applies an XSL stylesheet to an XML input, passing two parameters to the stylesheet. The first parameter "Count" is set to the result of the XPath expression "count(-xml-table-rec)", and the second parameter "Text" is set to the string "Count=".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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