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xml-validate: Display help for the `validate` subcommand.
$ xml validate --help
try on your machine

The command "xml validate --help" is used to display the help or usage information for the "xml validate" command. This command is related to validating XML documents or files against their corresponding XML schemas.

By running the "xml validate --help" command, you can obtain an overview of the options, flags, or arguments available for the "xml validate" command. The help documentation typically includes explanations of the command's usage, syntax, available options, and their respective descriptions.

For example, the help information may provide details on how to specify the XML file to validate, how to specify the XML schema, any additional validation-related options, error handling, or other relevant information.

Overall, the "xml validate --help" command is useful for understanding and utilizing the "xml validate" command correctly by providing guidance and information on its capabilities and features.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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