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xml-validate: Validate one or more XML documents against an XML Schema Definition (XSD).
$ xml validate --xsd ${path-to-schema-xsd} ${select} ${input2-xml ---}
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The given command appears to be performing XML validation against a specified XML Schema Definition (XSD) file. Let's break down the command and its parameters:

  • xml: This is the command or tool being used to perform XML-related operations.
  • validate: This is a specific action or subcommand of the xml tool, indicating that XML validation is to be performed.
  • --xsd ${path-to-schema-xsd}: This parameter specifies the path to the XSD file (XML Schema Definition) that will be used for validating the XML. ${path-to-schema-xsd} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual file path of the XSD.
  • ${select}: This parameter likely represents the XML document or set of elements within the XML that needs to be validated. It could be a path expression or an XML node selection mechanism indicating which part of the XML will undergo validation. Again, this is a placeholder that should be replaced with the appropriate selection.
  • ${input2-xml ---}: This parameter denotes the input XML file that is to be validated. ${input2-xml ---} is another placeholder that should be replaced with the actual XML file path.

To summarize, the given command is validating a specific part of an XML (${select}) against an XSD file (${path-to-schema-xsd}). The results of the validation would typically indicate whether the selected XML is conforming to the rules and structure defined in the XSD.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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