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xml-validate: Validate one or more XML documents for well-formedness only.
$ xml validate ${select} ${input2-xml ---}
try on your machine

This command is likely used in a script or a command-line tool to validate an XML file against a specified DTD or XSD schema. Here is an explanation of the command and its components:

  • xml validate: This is the command or the name of the script/tool used for XML validation. It could be a custom script or a standard command-line tool specific to a programming language or framework.

  • ${select}: This is a placeholder or variable that represents the XML file to be validated. The actual file path or name should be provided in place of ${select} when executing the command. It could be a relative or an absolute path to the XML file.

  • ${input2-xml ---}: This is another placeholder or variable that indicates the location of the DTD or XSD schema file. The actual schema file should be provided in place of ${input2-xml ---} during command execution. It could be a relative or an absolute path to the schema file.

In summary, the command is used to validate an XML file against a specified schema. The XML file path/name is represented by ${select}, and the schema file path/name is represented by ${input2-xml ---}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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