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xml-validate: Validate one or more XML documents against a Relax NG schema (RNG).
$ xml validate --relaxng ${path-to-schema-rng} ${select} ${input2-xml ---}
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The command "xml validate --relaxng ${path-to-schema-rng} ${select} ${input2-xml ---}" is used to validate an XML file against a Relax NG schema.

Here is a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • "xml validate": This command specifies that we want to perform XML validation.
  • "--relaxng": This option specifies that we want to use Relax NG as the validation schema. Relax NG is a schema language for XML.
  • "${path-to-schema-rng}": This is the path to the Relax NG schema file (.rng) that will be used for validation. You need to replace "${path-to-schema-rng}" with the actual file path.
  • "${select}": This is an optional argument that specifies a subset of the XML file to be validated. It can be used to specify a certain element or attribute within the XML file. You need to replace "${select}" with the appropriate XPath or XPointer expression for the subset you want to validate.
  • "${input2-xml}": This is the XML file that will be validated. You need to replace "${input2-xml}" with the actual file name or file path.

Overall, this command validates the specified XML file against the provided Relax NG schema, checking if the XML structure and content comply with the defined rules in the schema.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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