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xml: Execute a subcommand using `stdin` and `stdout`.
$ xml ${subcommand} ${options}
try on your machine

The command "xml ${subcommand} ${options}" is a type of command-line instruction that operates on XML files.

Here's a breakdown of its components:

  • "xml" is the main command that refers to an XML processing tool or software. This could be the name of a specific program or a generic reference to an XML utility. The purpose of this command is to work with XML files in some way.

  • "${subcommand}" is a placeholder for a specific operation or subcommand that you need to provide. The subcommand represents the specific action or functionality you want the XML tool to perform. For example, it could be "validate" to validate the XML file against a specified schema, "parse" to extract data from the XML file, or "transform" to apply an XSLT transformation on the XML.

  • "${options}" stands for any additional parameters or arguments that you can provide to modify the behavior of the command or customize the operation. These options are specific to the XML tool you are using. Some common options could be specifying the input and output file names, setting validation rules, or defining transformation rules.

Overall, by using the "xml ${subcommand} ${options}" command, you can execute various actions with XML files, leveraging the capabilities of the XML processing tool or software you are working with. The specific subcommand and options will determine the exact operation you want to perform and how it will be executed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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