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xml: Execute a subcommand with input from a file or URI, printing to `stdout`.
$ xml ${subcommand} ${options} ${select}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the "xml" tool or executable along with some arguments. Let's break it down:

"xml" - This is the name or path of the executable or command being used. It is a tool that likely processes XML files.

"${subcommand}" - This is a placeholder for a subcommand that is specific to the xml tool. The actual subcommand should be provided in place of "${subcommand}". The subcommand determines the specific action or operation to be performed on the XML file(s).

"${options}" - This is another placeholder that represents any optional arguments or flags that can be passed to the xml tool. The actual options should be provided in place of "${options}". These options modify the behavior of the xml tool or specify additional configurations.

"${select}" - This is one more placeholder that stands for a selection or query expression used to select specific elements or data from the XML file. The actual selection should be provided in place of "${select}". It can determine which parts of the XML file(s) the command should operate on.

In summary, the command "xml ${subcommand} ${options} ${select}" is a generic representation for using the "xml" tool with a specific subcommand, options, and a selection to perform specific operations on XML files. The actual values for ${subcommand}, ${options}, and ${select} should be provided based on the desired functionality and requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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