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xml: Execute a subcommand with input from a file or URI and output to a file.
$ xml ${subcommand} ${options} ${select} > ${path-to-output}
try on your machine

The command you mentioned is using the xml tool with different parameters to perform certain operations on an XML file. It follows the general format:

xml ${subcommand} ${options} ${select} > ${path-to-output}

Let's break down each part of the command:

  • xml: This is the name of the executable or the command itself, in this case, the xml tool is being used.
  • ${subcommand}: This represents a specific operation or subcommand that the xml tool can perform on an XML file. It can be any relevant subcommand such as validate, transform, format, etc., depending on the available options provided by the xml tool.
  • ${options}: These are additional flags or options that modify the behavior of the chosen subcommand. Options are typically prefixed with a dash (-) or with two dashes (--), and they can be used to control various aspects of the XML processing.
  • ${select}: This refers to a selection or query that specifies which parts of the XML file should be targeted by the subcommand. The select parameter allows you to narrow down the scope of the operation to a specific XML element, attribute, or XPath expression.
  • >${path-to-output}: This is a file redirection operator in the command line syntax, which specifies the path where the output of the command should be saved or redirected. The > symbol followed by ${path-to-output} means that the output will be written to the file specified by the ${path-to-output}.

Overall, the command you provided is executing the xml tool with a specific subcommand and options, targeting a specific part of an XML file using the ${select} parameter, and then redirecting the output to a file specified by ${path-to-output}. The specific details of each subcommand, option, and select parameter would depend on the specific XML tool/library being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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