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xml: Display help for a subcommand.
$ xml ${subcommand} --help
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The command "xml ${subcommand} --help" is structured to display help information for a specific subcommand of a program called "xml".

In general, the syntax "${subcommand}" is a placeholder that represents a specific subcommand that you need to input when using the command. For example, if the possible subcommands are "create", "extract", and "validate", you would replace "${subcommand}" with one of these options.

The "--help" flag is used to request help documentation or information about a specific command, subcommand, or program. When you append "--help" to a command, it typically displays the available options, arguments, and their descriptions, providing guidance on how to use the command effectively.

So, by running "xml ${subcommand} --help", you are asking for help documentation on a particular subcommand of the "xml" program, where "${subcommand}" should be replaced with the desired subcommand.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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