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xzdiff: Compare files and report when the files are the same.
$ xzdiff --report-identical-files ${filename1} ${filename2}
try on your machine

The command xzdiff --report-identical-files ${filename1} ${filename2} is used to compare and display the differences between two files compressed with the XZ compression format. Here's an explanation of the components:

  • xzdiff: It is the command that performs the comparison and displays the differences between the compressed files.
  • --report-identical-files: This flag instructs xzdiff to include a message in the output if the two files are identical. By default, only differences are displayed.
  • ${filename1} and ${filename2}: These are placeholder variables representing the names of the two XZ compressed files you want to compare. You need to replace them with the actual filenames or paths to the files you want to compare.

By running this command, you'll see the differences between the two compressed files or receive a message stating that they are identical.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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