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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool xzdiff. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Xzdiff is a command line tool used to view differences between two compressed files. It is commonly used to compare two files that have been compressed using the XZ file compression format.

When provided with two compressed files, xzdiff decompresses them in memory, compares the resulting plain text files, and displays the differences. The differences are highlighted in a user-readable format, making it easy to identify changes between the two files.

Xzdiff is built upon the diff and xz utilities, which are standard tools in Unix-like operating systems. By combining these two tools, xzdiff provides a convenient way to see changes within compressed files without the need to manually decompress them.

The tool also offers options to modify its behavior. For example, users can specify different diff options, such as unified or context format, to change the way differences are presented. It also supports various command line flags for additional control and customization.

Xzdiff also enables users to navigate through the differences one by one using familiar commands like 'n' for next, 'p' for previous, and 'q' for quit. This allows for a more interactive and efficient review of changes.

Additionally, xzdiff can be used in conjunction with other tools to perform advanced tasks. For example, it can be employed along with patch to apply changes from one compressed file to another. This combination proves useful in scenarios where code or configuration changes need to be merged between different environments.

Overall, xzdiff simplifies the process of comparing two compressed files by providing a straightforward means to visualize differences. Whether it's for code, configuration, or any other type of compressed file, xzdiff proves to be a useful tool in the command line arsenal for file comparison and analysis.

List of commands for xzdiff:

  • xzdiff:tldr:38cec xzdiff: Compare files, showing the differences side by side.
    $ xzdiff --side-by-side ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • xzdiff:tldr:4c1f4 xzdiff: Compare files.
    $ xzdiff ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • xzdiff:tldr:68489 xzdiff: Compare files and report only that they differ (no details on what is different).
    $ xzdiff --brief ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • xzdiff:tldr:92827 xzdiff: Compare files and report when the files are the same.
    $ xzdiff --report-identical-files ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • xzdiff:tldr:fb5f4 xzdiff: Compare files using paginated results.
    $ xzdiff --paginate ${filename1} ${filename2}
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