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List of commands for yacas:

  • yacas:tldr:2f3ec yacas: Start an interactive `yacas` session.
    $ yacas
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  • yacas:tldr:7a46f yacas: Execute and print the result of one statement, then exit.
    $ echo "${Echo( Deriv(x)Cos(1-x) );}" | yacas -p -c /dev/stdin
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  • yacas:tldr:8391d yacas: While in a `yacas` session, execute a statement.
    $ ${Integrate(x)Cos(x)};
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  • yacas:tldr:e79b6 yacas: Execute one or more `yacas` scripts (without terminal or prompts), then exit.
    $ yacas -p -c ${path-to-script1} ${path-to-script2}
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