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zmv: Move files using a regular expression-like pattern.
$ zmv '${(*)-log}' '${$1-txt}'
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The command is written in the zsh shell and uses the zmv function to rename files.

Here is the breakdown of each part of the command:

  1. zmv: zmv is a built-in function in zsh shell used for batch renaming of files.

  2. '$': The dollar sign indicates the start of a parameter expansion. It is used to reference the positional parameters in the form of $1, $2, etc.

  3. ${(*)-log}: In zsh, ${(*)} expands to all command-line arguments passed to the current script, while ${(*):-log} expands to the first command-line argument if available, or log if no arguments are provided. This is used to select the files to be renamed. So, all files matching the pattern -log will be affected.

  4. '${$1-txt}': ${$1} expands to the first command-line argument, and 'txt' is appended to it. This means that the -log extension in the filenames will be replaced with the .txt extension.

To summarize, the command renames all files ending with -log by replacing the -log extension with .txt.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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