Zmv is a command-line tool that allows users to batch rename files and directories in Unix-like operating systems. It is generally used in the terminal to automate file renaming tasks.
Zmv stands for "Z-Shell Move", and it is primarily designed for the Zsh shell, although it can be used with other shells as well.
With zmv, users can define a source pattern and a target pattern, and the tool will perform the renaming operation based on these patterns. It supports regular expressions, making it highly flexible and powerful for complex renaming tasks.
Zmv can be used to rename files, directories, or both simultaneously. It supports recursive renaming, meaning it can traverse through subdirectories and rename files accordingly.
In addition to file renaming, zmv also has the ability to copy or link files, making it a versatile tool for managing file organization.
Zmv provides various options and flags to control the renaming process, such as -n for a dry run, -F to force overwrite existing files, and -l to create symbolic links instead of renaming files physically.
By utilizing zmv, users can save significant time and effort when it comes to renaming large numbers of files, enabling them to focus on more important tasks.
Overall, zmv is a highly efficient and customizable command-line tool for batch renaming files and directories, offering flexibility and automation for complex renaming operations.
List of commands for zmv:
zmv:tldr:3985a zmv: Interactively move files, with a prompt before every change.$ zmv -i '${(*)-log}' '${$1-txt}'try on your machineexplain this command
zmv:tldr:b5c2e zmv: Preview the result of a move, without making any actual changes.$ zmv -n '${(*)-log}' '${$1-txt}'try on your machineexplain this command
zmv:tldr:ce003 zmv: Verbosely print each action as it's being executed.$ zmv -v '${(*)-log}' '${$1-txt}'try on your machineexplain this command
zmv:tldr:d11bc zmv: Move files using a regular expression-like pattern.$ zmv '${(*)-log}' '${$1-txt}'try on your machineexplain this command