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zramctl: Find and initialize the next free zram device to a 2 GB virtual drive using LZ4 compression.
$ sudo zramctl --find --size ${2GB} --algorithm ${lz4}
try on your machine

This command is used to create a zram device with a specific size and compression algorithm. Here's a breakdown of each part:

  • sudo: This command is used to run the following command with root or superuser privileges. It is used to perform administrative tasks.

  • zramctl: This is the command-line utility for managing zram devices in Linux. It is used to control and configure zram swap devices.

  • --find: This option is used to find the next available zram device for use.

  • --size ${2GB}: This option is used to specify the size of the zram device to be created. In this case, it is set to 2GB. You can replace ${2GB} with the actual value of the size you want, e.g., --size 2G for a 2GB zram device.

  • --algorithm ${lz4}: This option is used to specify the compression algorithm to be used by the zram device. In this case, it is set to lz4. Again, you can replace ${lz4} with the actual algorithm you want to use, e.g., --algorithm lz4 for the lz4 compression algorithm.

Overall, this command is creating a zram device with a given size and compression algorithm, utilizing the root privileges.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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