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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool zramctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Zramctl is a command line tool available in Linux operating systems that helps manage compressed swap devices. Swap devices are used to store data temporarily when the system's memory (RAM) is full.

Using zramctl, you can create, configure, and manage these compressed swap devices. It utilizes the zram kernel module, which compresses data to save memory space. Zram is particularly useful on systems with limited RAM capacity or in scenarios with high memory utilization.

By default, zramctl creates a new swap device by allocating a portion of RAM and compressing it. This compressed RAM block acts as a swap partition. You can configure parameters like the size, compression algorithm, and number of devices using zramctl.

The tool provides various operations such as creating a new zram device, modifying existing devices, retrieving information about zram devices, and removing them when no longer required. It enables efficient memory management by dynamically adjusting the size and compression settings of zram devices as per system requirements.

Zramctl also allows monitoring the utilization and performance of zram devices. It provides insights into the amount of data compressed, used, and stored in swap.

Overall, zramctl proves to be a valuable command line tool for optimizing memory usage by employing compressed swap devices in Linux systems.

List of commands for zramctl:

  • zramctl:tldr:7f995 zramctl: List currently initialized devices.
    $ zramctl
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  • zramctl:tldr:a9d81 zramctl: Find and initialize the next free zram device to a 2 GB virtual drive using LZ4 compression.
    $ sudo zramctl --find --size ${2GB} --algorithm ${lz4}
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