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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool Get-Acl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Get-Acl is a command line tool in PowerShell that allows users to retrieve the access control list (ACL) of a file or directory. It is part of the PowerShell Security module and enables users to view and manage permissions and security settings.

When running Get-Acl, users provide the path to the file or directory they want to inspect, and the tool will return an ACL object representing the security settings of that item. This includes information about the owner, group, and access rules defined for the item.

Get-Acl also provides flexibility in filtering and formatting the output, allowing users to specify which properties they want to see and how they are displayed. This makes it easier to extract the desired information and analyze the security settings efficiently.

In addition to retrieving ACL information, Get-Acl also allows users to modify permissions by leveraging other PowerShell cmdlets such as Set-Acl. This feature enables users to manage the security of files and directories programmatically, making it a powerful tool for system administrators and security professionals.

Overall, Get-Acl is a useful command line tool for inspecting, analyzing, and managing access control lists in a Windows environment.

List of commands for Get-Acl:

  • get-acl:tldr:7dabc get-acl: Get an ACL for a registry key.
    $ Get-Acl -Path ${HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control} | Format-List
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  • get-acl:tldr:cc58c get-acl: Display the ACL for a specific directory.
    $ Get-Acl ${path\to\directory}
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  • set-acl:tldr:b132e set-acl: Use the pipeline operator to pass a descriptor.
    $ Get-Acl -Path ${path\to\file} | Set-Acl -Path ${path\to\file}
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