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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool Get-FileHash. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "Get-FileHash" is a built-in utility in Windows PowerShell. It is used to calculate and retrieve the digital hash value of a file. The tool supports various hash algorithms, including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.

By specifying the file path as an argument, you can generate the hash value of a specific file. The output includes the hash algorithm used, the hash value, and the file path.

Get-FileHash can be used for multiple purposes, such as verifying file integrity or comparing the hash values of two files to check if they are identical. It is particularly useful in scenarios where file authenticity or data integrity needs to be validated.

Additionally, you can use wildcards or specify multiple file paths to generate hash values for multiple files at once. This feature provides a convenient way to process multiple files and compare their hash values simultaneously.

The Get-FileHash tool also supports pipelining, allowing you to pass the output of another command as input. This feature enables you to incorporate Get-FileHash into more complex scripts or workflows.

Overall, Get-FileHash is a powerful command line tool that provides a simple and effective way to calculate the hash value of files in Windows PowerShell.

List of commands for Get-FileHash:

  • get-filehash:tldr:ee4be get-filehash: Calculate a hash for a specified file using the SHA256 algorithm.
    $ Get-FileHash ${path\to\file}
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  • get-filehash:tldr:f44f9 get-filehash: Calculate a hash for a specified file using a specified algorithm.
    $ Get-FileHash ${path\to\file} -Algorithm ${select}
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