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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool Stop-Service. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Stop-Service is a command line tool available in Windows PowerShell, allowing users to stop a specific service running on their system. It provides a quick and efficient way to halt the operation of a service without requiring a graphical user interface. By specifying the name or display name of the service as an argument, the command will initiate the process of stopping the service. Stop-Service is particularly useful for system administrators who need to manage and control the execution of services on multiple machines remotely. This tool seamlessly integrates with other PowerShell cmdlets, enabling users to create scripts for automating service management tasks. However, it is important to note that stopping certain essential services could disrupt system functionality, so caution should be exercised when using this command.

List of commands for Stop-Service:

  • stop-service:tldr:1a0be stop-service: Stop a service by using the display name.
    $ Stop-Service -DisplayName "${name}"
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  • stop-service:tldr:1a354 stop-service: Stop a service on the local computer.
    $ Stop-Service -Name ${service_name}
    try on your machine
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  • stop-service:tldr:b65b0 stop-service: Stop a service that has dependent services.
    $ Stop-Service -Name ${service_name} -Force -Confirm
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