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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool a2dissite. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


a2dissite is a command line tool used in Linux operating systems, particularly in Apache web servers. It is a part of the Apache2 package and is commonly found in distributions like Ubuntu.

The purpose of a2dissite is to disable a website or virtual host hosted on an Apache server. When a virtual host configuration is active, it allows the Apache server to serve web pages for that particular site. However, sometimes there may be a need to disable a specific website temporarily or permanently.

To disable a virtual host, you will need to specify its configuration file name as an argument to the a2dissite command. The configuration file, usually ending with .conf, includes directives that define the website's settings, such as server name and document root.

Once a virtual host is disabled with a2dissite, Apache will no longer process requests for that site. It's an efficient way to prevent access to a specific website on the server when needed.

Disabling a website can be useful during maintenance, troubleshooting, or security measures, allowing administrators to block access to certain sites while they work on them or resolve issues.

a2dissite is typically used alongside its counterpart a2ensite, which allows enabling a disabled site by creating a symlink to the corresponding configuration file in the Apache sites-enabled directory.

Overall, a2dissite is a convenient and essential tool for managing virtual hosts on an Apache web server, providing an easy way to disable specific websites without affecting the entire server's functionality.

Articles in our magazine for a2dissite:

The Power of Apache Web Server Management

The Apache web serveris one of the most used open source solutions in the world and also the most used PHP web server.

List of commands for a2dissite:

tool overview