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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool abroot. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Abroot is a command line tool designed to simplify the process of working with multiple Git repositories. It aims to improve productivity and save time for developers who frequently work on multiple projects simultaneously.

Here are ten key features of abroot:

  1. Centralized Repository Configuration: Abroot allows you to configure a centralized file that contains the details of all the Git repositories you want to work with.

  2. Single Command Execution: Instead of manually navigating to each repository, abroot allows you to execute commands across multiple repositories with just a single command.

  3. Parallel Execution: Abroot supports the parallel execution of commands on different repositories, which significantly reduces the execution time.

  4. Script Execution: You can execute custom scripts across multiple repositories, making it easy to perform repetitive tasks or automated testing.

  5. Repository Filtering: Abroot allows you to execute commands on a subset of repositories based on specific filtering criteria, such as name, path, or other attributes.

  6. Version Control Integration: Abroot integrates seamlessly with Git, allowing you to execute Git commands across multiple repositories simultaneously.

  7. Configurable Output Formatting: The tool offers configurable output formatting options, allowing you to view the command output in a format that suits your preferences.

  8. Interactive Mode: Abroot provides an interactive mode where you can choose from a list of available repositories and execute commands on the selected ones.

  9. Dry Run Mode: Before executing commands, abroot offers a dry run mode that simulates the execution and displays the actions that would be performed.

  10. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Abroot is designed to work on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, enabling developers to use it regardless of their platform of choice.

List of commands for abroot:

  • abroot:tldr:6363f abroot: Output the current or future root partition state.
    $ sudo abroot get ${select}
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  • abroot:tldr:93de0 abroot: Display help.
    $ abroot --help
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  • abroot:tldr:9b18c abroot: Execute a specific command in the transactional shell in the future root partition and switch to it on the next boot.
    $ sudo abroot exec "${command}"
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  • abroot:tldr:aa0d0 abroot: Enter the transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root on the next boot.
    $ sudo abroot shell
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  • abroot:tldr:d25dc abroot: Update the boot partition (for advanced users only).
    $ sudo abroot _update-boot
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  • abroot:tldr:dfb72 abroot: Display version.
    $ abroot --version
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  • abroot:tldr:e1ede abroot: Install specific packages in the host inside the transactional shell in the future root partition and switch to it on the next boot.
    $ sudo abroot exec apt install ${package1 package2 ---}
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tool overview