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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool agate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Agate is a command line tool that is used for working with tabular data. It is written in Python and offers a simple yet powerful interface to manipulate and analyze data in various formats like CSV, Excel, JSON, and more.

Some key features of agate include:

  1. Data Manipulation: Agate provides various methods to perform operations like filtering, sorting, summarizing, joining, and transforming data. These operations can be used to clean and reshape data, as well as extract useful insights.

  2. SQL-like Queries: Agate allows you to write SQL-like queries to perform complex data manipulations using its SQL interface. This makes it easier for users familiar with SQL to work with tabular data.

  3. Data Visualization: Agate supports generating basic visualizations of data directly from the command line. It can create visualizations such as bar charts, line charts, and histograms, which can help in quickly understanding the data.

  4. Cross-platform Compatibility: Agate is compatible with various operating systems like Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it a versatile tool for data analysis on different platforms.

  5. Extensibility: Agate is designed to be extensible, allowing you to write custom functions and plugins to enhance its functionality according to your specific needs.

Overall, agate provides a user-friendly and efficient way to work with tabular data through the command line, making it a useful tool for data analysis, data cleaning, and transformation tasks.

List of commands for agate:

  • agate:tldr:1c1ad agate: Run server.
    $ agate ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • agate:tldr:3fadf agate: Display help.
    $ agate -h
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • agate:tldr:c9009 agate: Run and generate a private key and certificate.
    $ agate --content ${path-to-content-} --addr ${[::]:1965} --addr ${0-0-0-0:1965} --hostname ${example-com} --lang ${en-US}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview