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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool age. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Age is a command-line tool used for file encryption and decryption. It allows you to securely encrypt files and share them with others, ensuring confidentiality and privacy. Age supports various encryption algorithms, including X25519 for key exchange and ChaCha20Poly1305 for encryption.

One notable feature of Age is its simplicity and ease of use. It has a minimalist design and a focus on creating encrypted files that can be easily shared and decrypted by anyone. Age uses a public key-based encryption system where each recipient has a unique public key for decryption.

To encrypt a file using Age, you simply specify the recipients' public keys and the file you want to encrypt. Age automatically generates a random encryption key and encrypts the file using that key. The encrypted file can then be securely shared with the recipients.

On the other hand, to decrypt a file encrypted with Age, you need the corresponding private key. Age provides a command to generate a new private key, which can be used to decrypt any files encrypted with the corresponding public key.

Overall, Age is a versatile and user-friendly command-line tool for file encryption. It prioritizes simplicity and security, making it an excellent choice for encrypting and decrypting sensitive files.

List of commands for age:

  • age:tldr:0f6b0 age: Decrypt a file with a passphrase.
    $ age --decrypt --output ${path-to-decrypted_file} ${path-to-encrypted_file}
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  • age:tldr:10aa1 age: Encrypt a file with one or more public keys that are specified in a recipients file.
    $ age --recipients-file ${path-to-recipients_file} ${path-to-unencrypted_file} --output ${path-to-encrypted_file}
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  • age:tldr:4c91e age: Decrypt a file with a private key file.
    $ age --decrypt --identity ${path-to-private_key_file} --output ${path-to-decrypted_file} ${path-to-encrypted_file}
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  • age:tldr:fb6a8 age: Generate an encrypted file that can be decrypted with a passphrase.
    $ age --passphrase --output ${path-to-encrypted_file} ${path-to-unencrypted_file}
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  • age:tldr:fc210 age: Encrypt a file with one or more public keys that are entered as literals.
    $ age --recipient ${public_key_1} --recipient ${public_key_2} ${path-to-unencrypted_file} --output ${path-to-encrypted_file}
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