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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ajson. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "ajson" is a utility that helps users work with JSON data through the command line interface. It provides various functionalities to manipulate and analyze JSON files or data streams.

Here are some key features of ajson:

  1. JSON Parsing: ajson can parse JSON data and render it in a readable format. This can be helpful for examining JSON responses from APIs or processing JSON files.

  2. Querying and Filtering: It allows users to extract specific data from JSON inputs using JSONPath or JMESPath query languages. This makes it easy to filter and access the required JSON elements.

  3. Data Conversion: ajson can convert JSON data to other formats such as CSV, TSV, XML, or YAML. This enables users to transform JSON data into a structure that is suitable for other tools or systems.

  4. JSON Validation: The tool can validate JSON data against a specific JSON schema. This helps to ensure that the JSON data complies with the expected structure and properties.

  5. Stream Processing: ajson has support for processing large JSON datasets through streaming. It efficiently reads and processes JSON data in a streaming manner, reducing memory usage for handling big datasets.

  6. JSON Manipulation: It provides functionality to modify JSON data, such as adding, updating, or removing JSON elements. This allows users to easily make changes to JSON files or data streams.

Overall, ajson is a versatile command line tool that simplifies working with JSON data by providing a range of operations and functionalities.

List of commands for ajson:

  • ajson:tldr:cd1cd ajson: Read JSON from a file and execute a specified JSONPath expression.
    $ ajson '${$--json[?(@-path)]}' ${filename-json}
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