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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool alien. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Alien is a command line tool used primarily in Linux systems to convert packages between different packaging formats.

It enables the conversion of packages from one format to another, such as from .deb to .rpm or vice versa. It supports a wide range of package formats, including Debian (.deb), Red Hat Package Manager (.rpm), Slackware (.tgz), and more.

Alien does not simply perform a direct format conversion; instead, it recreates a new package by extracting the contents of the original package and transforming them based on the target format specifications.

It can convert not only individual package files but also entire package trees, making it useful for large-scale package conversions.

Alien provides options to include dependency information during conversion, allowing the resulting package to be installed seamlessly on the target system.

Additionally, Alien can generate appropriate scripts for package installation, uninstallation, and other operations, enhancing compatibility with the destination packaging system.

Users can specify various package-specific options during conversion, such as maintaining file attributes, setting package names, version numbers, etc.

Alien can also create packages for non-native package systems, making it versatile for software distribution across different Linux distributions.

However, it is worth noting that using Alien for package conversion is not always recommended, as the process may introduce incompatibilities or issues with the resulting packages. It is generally better to use native packaging tools for the specific Linux distribution whenever possible.

List of commands for alien:

  • alien:tldr:04622 alien: Convert a specific installation file to Debian format and install on the system.
    $ sudo alien --to-deb --install ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • alien:tldr:40a48 alien: Convert a specific installation file to a Slackware installation file (`.tgz` extension).
    $ sudo alien --to-tgz ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • alien:tldr:53723 alien: Convert a specific installation file to Red Hat format (`.rpm` extension).
    $ sudo alien --to-rpm ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview