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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ansiweather. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool ansiweather is a lightweight and elegant tool that provides current weather conditions and forecasts directly in the terminal. It retrieves weather data from various sources and displays it in a highly customizable manner.

Some key features of ansiweather include:

  1. Flexibility: ansiweather supports multiple weather providers, including OpenWeatherMap, Weatherbit, and Dark Sky, allowing users to choose the most accurate and reliable option for their location.

  2. Customization: The tool offers a wide range of customization options, including the ability to display weather information in both metric and imperial units, change the output format, adjust the displayed icons, and set the desired update interval.

  3. Geolocation support: ansiweather can automatically determine your location based on your IP address, or you can specify the coordinates manually for more accurate results.

  4. Output modes: It supports different output modes that cater to various user preferences. These modes include traditional plain text, colored ASCII art, and even HTML output for easy integration into web pages or other applications.

Overall, ansiweather is a powerful and versatile command line weather tool that allows users to quickly access weather information without leaving the terminal.

List of commands for ansiweather:

  • ansiweather:tldr:415fc ansiweather: Display a forecast showing wind and humidity data for your current location.
    $ ansiweather -w ${true} -h ${true}
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  • ansiweather:tldr:e905b ansiweather: Display a forecast showing symbols and daylight data for your current location.
    $ ansiweather -s ${true} -d ${true}
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  • ansiweather:tldr:f392e ansiweather: Display a forecast using metric units for the next five days for Rzeszow, Poland.
    $ ansiweather -u ${metric} -f ${5} -l ${Rzeszow,PL}
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