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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool aplay. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Aplay is a command line tool used in UNIX-like operating systems to play audio files. It is part of the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) project, which provides audio and MIDI functionality.

With aplay, users can play various audio formats such as WAV, FLAC, AIFF, and more. It supports both mono and stereo audio files and can play them directly through the sound card or output them to a file.

Aplay offers several options to control the playback, including adjusting the volume, specifying the sample rate, and choosing the audio device to use. Users can also loop the audio file or set it to play only for a specified duration.

The tool provides a straightforward and simple interface, making it easy to use from the command line. Its basic usage involves specifying the audio file to be played, either by providing the file path or using standard input.

Aplay can be particularly useful for debugging audio issues and testing sound systems. It allows users to quickly verify if their audio setup is functioning correctly, without the need for a dedicated media player.

Another advantage of aplay is that it is lightweight and does not require a graphical user interface. This makes it ideal for headless servers or systems with minimal resources.

Aplay is widely used in various Linux distributions and is often included by default. Its versatility, simplicity, and integration with ALSA make it a reliable choice for playing audio from the command line.

List of commands for aplay:

  • aplay:tldr:89900 aplay: Play the raw file as a 22050 Hz, mono, 8-bit, Mu-Law `.au` file.
    $ aplay --channels=${1} --file-type ${raw} --rate=${22050} --format=${mu_law} ${filename}
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  • aplay:tldr:dfb74 aplay: Play a specific file (sampling rate, bit depth, etc. will be automatically determined for the file format).
    $ aplay ${filename}
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  • aplay:tldr:e0438 aplay: Play the first 10 seconds of a specific file at 2500 Hz.
    $ aplay --duration=${10} --rate=${2500} ${filename}
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