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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool arch-chroot. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


arch-chroot is a powerful command line tool used in Arch Linux and other Arch-based distributions. It allows users to execute commands within the root file system of an Arch Linux installation from a live system or another Linux distribution.

This tool is primarily used for system maintenance, recovery, or installing additional software packages on an existing Arch Linux installation.

arch-chroot requires the user to have root privileges or be assigned root access using the sudo command.

To execute this command, users need to specify the new root file system as an argument followed by the command they want to run.

It mounts the specified root file system and sets it as the current root, essentially changing the root directory for subsequent commands.

One common use case for arch-chroot is when users want to repair or reinstall the bootloader of a dual-boot system or recover a broken system.

By chrooting into the system, users gain access to the entire file system, allowing them to modify system settings, install packages, or repair any issues.

To exit the chroot environment, the user simply needs to run the 'exit' command.

It is important to note that arch-chroot can have significant consequences and should be used with caution, as improper use may result in data loss or system instability.

Overall, arch-chroot is a vital tool for Arch Linux users, providing flexibility and freedom to perform maintenance tasks and rescue operations on their systems.

List of commands for arch-chroot:

  • arch-chroot:tldr:4e854 arch-chroot: Specify the shell, other than the default `bash` (in this case, the `zsh` package should have been installed in the target system).
    $ arch-chroot ${path-to-new-root} ${zsh}
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  • arch-chroot:tldr:54980 arch-chroot: Specify the user (other than the current user) to run the shell as.
    $ arch-chroot -u ${user} ${path-to-new-root}
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  • arch-chroot:tldr:667b7 arch-chroot: Start an interactive shell (`bash`, by default) in a new root directory.
    $ arch-chroot ${path-to-new-root}
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  • arch-chroot:tldr:89f9f arch-chroot: Run a custom command (instead of the default `bash`) in the new root directory.
    $ arch-chroot ${path-to-new-root} ${command} ${command_arguments}
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