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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool archivemount. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Archivemount is a command line tool that allows you to mount an archive as a filesystem. It offers a convenient way to access the contents of an archive without the need to extract the files.

With archivemount, you can mount various types of archives such as tar, cpio, and ISO images, among others. This means you can treat the archive as if it were a regular directory, making it easier to perform operations like copying, reading, and writing files.

The tool works by using the FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) library to create a virtual file system from the archive. As a result, archivemount doesn't require any system-level changes or root access to mount archives.

Archivemount provides options to specify read-only or writable mounts, control file permissions, specify compression algorithms, and more. It supports a wide range of archive formats, making it versatile for different use cases.

The tool is written in C and is compatible with various Unix-like operating systems. It is well-documented and actively maintained by its developers, ensuring its reliability and stability.

Archivemount is particularly useful for accessing archived data quickly without consuming additional disk space by extracting the entire archive. It saves time and prevents clutter from extraneous files.

It is often used in scenarios where you need temporary access to archive contents or when you want to perform specific operations on selected files within the archive.

By providing a seamless way to interact with archives, archivemount enhances productivity by avoiding the need to extract or compress files repeatedly.

Overall, archivemount offers a user-friendly and efficient approach to mount and access archive files as virtual filesystems, simplifying the handling of archived data.

List of commands for archivemount:

  • archivemount:tldr:f89e8 archivemount: Mount an archive to a specific mountpoint.
    $ archivemount ${path-to-archive} ${path-to-mount_point}
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