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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool arduino. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that is widely used for building and programming hardware projects. It consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as an Arduino board) and a development environment (Arduino IDE) that runs on a computer.

The Arduino board is designed with a microcontroller that can read inputs (sensors) and control outputs (actuators) to interact with the physical world. It has a range of digital and analog input/output pins, which can be used to connect to various sensors, displays, motors, lights, and other hardware components.

The Arduino IDE provides a user-friendly interface for writing and uploading programs, called sketches, to the Arduino board. It uses a simplified version of the C++ programming language and provides a library of functions that make it easy to interface with the board's hardware features.

With Arduino, even beginners with little or no electronics or programming experience can learn and experiment with creating interactive projects. It has gained popularity among hobbyists, students, and professionals for its low cost, ease of use, and extensive online community that shares tutorials, projects, and code examples.

The command line tool "arduino" allows for command-line compilation and uploading of Arduino sketches, which can be useful for automation, integration with other tools, or building custom workflows. It provides options to specify the board, serial port, and other parameters required for compiling and uploading sketches without using the Arduino IDE's graphical interface.

List of commands for arduino:

  • arduino:tldr:02a7a arduino: Save any (changed) preferences to `preferences.txt`.
    $ arduino --save-prefs
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  • arduino:tldr:0af8f arduino: Build a sketch, put the build results in the build directory, and reuse any previous build results in that directory.
    $ arduino --pref build.path=${path-to-build_directory} --verify ${filename-ino}
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  • arduino:tldr:161b0 arduino: Install the latest SAM board.
    $ arduino --install-boards "${arduino:sam}"
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  • arduino:tldr:3301a arduino: Build a sketch.
    $ arduino --verify ${filename-ino}
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  • arduino:tldr:3b819 arduino: Install Bridge and Servo libraries.
    $ arduino --install-library "${Bridge:1-0-0,Servo:1-2-0}"
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  • arduino:tldr:70c33 arduino: Build and upload a sketch.
    $ arduino --upload ${filename-ino}
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  • arduino:tldr:78c07 arduino: Build and upload a sketch to an Arduino Nano with an Atmega328p CPU, connected on port `/dev/ttyACM0`.
    $ arduino --board ${arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega328p} --port ${-dev-ttyACM0} --upload ${filename-ino}
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  • arduino:tldr:8ee44 arduino: Set the preference `name` to a given `value`.
    $ arduino --pref ${name}=${value}
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