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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool arpspoof. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Arpspoof is a command line tool used for network troubleshooting and security testing in a Local Area Network (LAN). It is typically included in the package named dsniff.

This tool allows an attacker to intercept and redirect network traffic on a LAN by manipulating Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages. This can be useful for various purposes, such as Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks, network monitoring, or analyzing network traffic.

By exploiting the weakness in ARP protocol, arpspoof can spoof the MAC address of the attacker's machine, making it appear as a legitimate device on the network. It then sends forged ARP responses to other devices on the network, tricking them into sending traffic to the attacker's machine.

Arpspoof can be used to intercept and view network packets between two hosts, allowing an attacker to capture sensitive information like login credentials, financial data, or personal information.

This tool requires the attacker's machine to be in the same LAN as the target devices, as ARP operates within a local network scope.

Arpspoof is a powerful tool but can also be used for network diagnostics and debugging by administrators to detect faulty network configurations or troubleshoot connectivity issues.

It is important to note that arpspoof is a tool that can be used for both legitimate and malicious purposes, and its usage should adhere to legal and ethical guidelines.

Arpspoof can be controlled using various command line options and flags to specify target IP addresses, specify the interface to use, or enable sniffing of captured packets.

It is advisable to use arpspoof in controlled environments, such as on a test network, to avoid potential legal consequences or disruption of production networks.

To mitigate the risks associated with ARP spoofing attacks, network administrators should implement security measures such as using static ARP entries, enabling port security on switches, or implementing network segmentation.

List of commands for arpspoof:

  • arpspoof:tldr:12865 arpspoof: Poison [t]arget to intercept packets on [i]nterface for the host.
    $ sudo arpspoof -i ${wlan0} -t ${target_ip} ${host_ip}
    try on your machine
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  • arpspoof:tldr:510c8 arpspoof: Poison both [t]arget and host to intercept packets on [i]nterface for the host.
    $ sudo arpspoof -i ${wlan0} -r -t ${target_ip} ${host_ip}
    try on your machine
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  • arpspoof:tldr:9346c arpspoof: Poison all hosts to intercept packets on [i]nterface for the host.
    $ sudo arpspoof -i ${wlan0} ${host_ip}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview